CTE Curriculum
Prepare learners with CTE curriculum aligned to industry standards.
Google Classroom Integration Guide
Before Getting Started - Please share iCEV's system requirements with your technology department.
Things to consider before using the integration.
- Multiple internet filters and firewalls.
- Different settings for wired and wireless technology devices.
- Software on technology devices that act as an internet filter or firewall.
- Students are automatically registered through the integration.
- Please do not register students through iCEV
- Grades will be visible in both iCEV and the integration's gradebook.
- The “Highest” scored grade will be passed back to the integration gradebook.
NOTE: Student licenses and teacher accounts must be purchased to use the integration.
Do not copy Google Classrooms. This will cause problems with grades appearing in the Google Gradebook. Copying a Google Classroom will also cause difficulty for the students accessing iCEV curriculum.
- Do not use the Google Classroom Reuse Post feature. This will cause problems with grades appearing in the Google Gradebook. This may also cause difficulty for the students accessing iCEV curriculum.
- For successful grade passback (grades appearing in the Google Gradebook); the student's email address in Google Classroom must be in their iCEV profile. To verify that students are using the correct email address; please make certain that you can:
- Login to Google Classroom
- From a classroom, click the People tab
- Click the three dots beside a student's name
- Click Email student
- If you are able to do the above step; you'll be able to see the Google Classroom email address; this email address needs to be in the student's iCEV profile.
- If you are unable to do the above step; you'll need to contact your Google Classroom (GSuite) Administrator.
iCEV personnel do not have any access to your Google Classroom settings or accounts.
After reviewing the Before Getting Started and Important Guidelines section above, please continue to the next section.
Teachers' Guide
Step 1: Initial Setup
- Login to iCEV
- Click My Profile
- Make sure the email that is in the Email field is the same email you're using within Google Classroom
- Attempt to share an iCEV Assignment
- You do this by clicking the green "Share with Classroom" button
- Choose the Google Classroom account, when prompted
- Check all permissions in the permissions window
Step 2: Share iCEV Content
- Click View on iCEV Course
- Click View on iCEV Lesson
- Make sure Show on Grades Report & Visible to Students are checked
- Click green Share with Classroom button
Share with Classroom Window
- Title = The title the assignment will have in Google Classroom
- From your iCEV Course = Determines which iCEV Course the assignment will be linked
- To Google Classroom Class = Determines which Google Classroom the assignment will be sent
- Due Date/Time (optional) = Sets a Due Date in Google Classroom and in iCEV.
When Time is specified, a time will be applied to the "Due Date" only within Google Classroom.* - Available Date/Time (optional) = Sets a date and time for the assignment to be posted in the future. This is how you would schedule an assignment to post automatically. If left blank, assignment will be available immediately
- Instructions (optional) = Specify what you want your students to do on a particular assignment
- +Share with another Google Class (optional) = Allows you to share the same assignment to another Google Classroom.
- Share = Will share the assignment to designated Google Classroom(s)
NOTE: iCEV does not take into account for Time on Due Dates which means the assignment will be unavailable at midnight according to the date specified.
Students' Guide
Student Registration - New User
- Click on Google Link for assignment
- Click blue Here link
- Fill out registration form
- Click Submit
Student Registration - Existing User
- Click on Google link for any assignment
- Click Submit to register for new iCEV Course
Student Registration - Mismatched Email
- Click on Google Link for assignment
- Login to existing student iCEV Account
- Click Submit to register for new iCEV Course
- Update iCEV email address (this must be the same email address within Google Classroom)
Grade Passback Overview
Google Classroom Settings
Adjust your student visibility settings so that assignments are set to "Visible to Students."
From your "My Courses" page in iCEV, select the course in which you would like to adjust visibility settings for a lesson. Next, click the green "View" button next to the lesson which is showing the “Contact the Teacher” message to the students.
Scroll down to the "Interactive" section and click to expand.
Note: In the example below, the “Visible to Students” checkbox is unchecked and the “Share With Classroom” icon is missing.
Place a checkmark in the "Visible to Students" column beside all interactive content that you would like for you students to be able to see. After checking "Visible to Students," the "Share with Classroom" icon will appear and students will be able to see the assignment. Refresh your browser to confirm your changes.
Internet Filter Blocking
Depending on which browser you use and how your filtering software works, you may see either a completely blank page when trying to access a resource from iCEV or the iCEV logo may be present, but no material is visible. Your school’s internet firewall may be blocking one of our system tools. Please refer to the iCEV System Requirements section.
Student Registration Process
Once your school's technology department has reviewed the iCEV System Requirements, proceed to the steps below.
Have students log in to your Google Classroom and select your course.

Have students click on the shared assignment.
Note: If students have not previously registered for an iCEV account, they will be asked to complete the registration form. The Registration Code, First Name, Last Name, and Email fields will already be filled in. Make sure the students do not change these fields.
Have the students fill out the remaining fields, including Username, Password and Confirm Password, as well as the Forgot Password Question and Answer. The student should use their Google Classroom e-mail address as the username (this should minimize the "Username already exists" error message).

If students have previously registered for an iCEV account, they will be asked to submit a course code for your course. This code will be pre-populated in the field. Once the student clicks the green "Submit" button, they will be taken directly to the iCEV resource.

Adjust your student visibility settings so "Show Details" is unchecked.
From your "My Courses" page in iCEV, select the course in which you would like to adjust visibility settings for a lesson. Next, click the green "View" button next to the lesson in which you would like to hide answers from students.

Scroll down to the "Interactive" section and click to expand.

In the "Show Details" column, uncheck the box next to each lesson in which you would like to hide answers from students. Refresh your browser to confirm your changes.

While Google’s Gradebook may say that an iCEV assignment has not been turned in; if the grade is visible, the assignment has been submitted by the student. Please disregard this error which is a result of how Google determines if an assignment has been turned in.

A student will be prompted to update their email if there are corrections to be made on iCEV, so that the emails listed on both their iCEV and Google accounts match exactly.
The below image is what a student will see. The email provided in the Email field is what iCEV currently has for the specific account

This needs to be updated to the student’s current email address as it appears on their Google Account:

Have the student copy their email address from Google and paste it into the "Email" field on iCEV, replacing their old email address. Spelling and casing are very important!

If successful, the student will be taken to the assignment in iCEV.
An unsuccessful attempt will prompt the student that their email cannot be found in the Google Classroom to which the assignment was shared and be taken back to the iCEV.
We're Here to Help
If you have any questions or need additional support, please contact us using one of the options below: